Publications Esprit of FezBook by Fawzi skalliDeep Travel Fez World Music Sacred FestivalFez guid book Culture Management Photography exhibition in the Netherlands World Music Sacred Festival Sufisme in Fez CityPhotography Exhibition in Dakar - SenegalPhotography Rally of Fez world Music Sacred FestivalVignettes & Postcards From MoroccoStreet Photography WorkshopFÈS, L’ÂME DU MAROCDOUZE SIÈCLES D’HISTOIREVol1FÈS, L’ÂME DU MAROCDOUZE SIÈCLES D’HISTOIREVol3Youth RisingINTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND MagazineYouth RisingINTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND Magazine Appeared in: